
Does it actually matter that much what my website looks like?

It does to consumers. If you’re the owner of one of the 400 million small businesses worldwide and you have a web presence, you should care what your website looks and “feels” like—a lot. According to Forbes, good user experience can increase conversion rates by 200 to 400 percent. (That’s when people buy your stuff.)

Which platforms do you work on?

For the time being, I work exclusively on Squarespace. (This may change as time goes on.) There are many reasons for this, including the ease and speed with which I’m able to turn projects around for clients; and the fact that the finished product can be handed over to you easily, so that you are not forced to rely on me to make updates if you’re in a pinch, etc.

Why should I hire you when I can build a Squarespace site myself?

Yes, you can technically do it yourself—but is it how you want to use your time? Will you be truly happy with the finished product? Will it look professional? How many hours are you willing to spend fiddling around with something that I already know how to use? Aren’t there other things you could be doing to support your business or enrich your life? Just because you can do something yourself doesn’t necessarily mean you should.

Are there any additional benefits to working with you?

As a Squarespace Circle member, I get three-month free trials on all projects. This means there’s no pressure to get Squarespace figured out and your website completed in the standard 14-day window before you have to start paying for a subscription. In addition, if you’re able to afford the Squarespace annual plan (one full year paid up-front rather than on a monthly basis), my Squarespace Circle membership will get you 20% off your website’s first year. I’m also a great proofreader and will make sure your website’s copy is clear and error-free.

I already have a website, but it’s on Shop*fy, W*x, or some other platform. Can we still work together?

Yes, as long as you are willing to move your site over to Squarespace. Don’t worry about your domain name—I can help you to transfer or connect it to your new Squarespace site.

What are your rates?

I would need the details of the unique needs for your project to give you an accurate quote. Let’s talk.